Satan Changed My Mind

Started reading To Date an Immortal by Stephanie Rowe as a light palate cleanser after reading a couple serious books. Was thinking the book a nice solid 4* effort.

An attractive male hero, Derek LaValle, wants to survive a curse that kills the men in his family. He has an ancestral document that says he need to kill the Guardian of some goblet, and his relatives think he's nuts. The Guardian, Justine, is now protecting an espresso machine and is bored with her duties, except she has to perform them because Satan is interested in laying her mother.

When the two meet, all bets are off. Sound familiar? The irresistible force meets the immovable object...except things begin to shift when the two meet each other. The book hits all the elements of an acceptable paranormal romance... except the characters aren't normal.

Humor saves the book. I didn't LOL so much, but I did smile  and chuckle a lot. Rowe has a knack of taking a cliché and turning it on its ear. When Satan appears on the scene, he steals the show, the devilish creature, by raising the level of humor.  But he is in good company. All the main and secondary characters are twisted out of their mundane tropes. More important, Rowe develops the multiple characters in her sub-plots rather than having them stand around to help in convenient moments.

This book met my standard of pushing myself to read "one more chapter". Yeah, I had to change my mind and give it 5*s. Truth be told, I am a coffee addict.

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My Writing Rut

This blog is courtesy of BookBub which nagged me to review a book I bought through

them. I've another blog waiting to share with the people who signed up for may newsletter on my website...if I ever figure out how to do it. Which is dependent on if I ever find the energy. One of the negatives of being a cranky old lady.

On the other hand, I've bee getting lots done...for me, anyway. The Pig Wars has been published a month now. I've made some sales. Not enough to recoup what I spent promoting it, but enough to have a much more successful launch than my other two book. [The free short stories and novellas don't count.]

The reviews are gratifying. On Amazon I have six ratings to date with 60% of them 5*. Also have reviews on GoodReads which aren't quite as good as they rate at 4.16 or 7. [I'm not going to go back and look.] Who knows what future reviews will be like. I find reader interpretations interesting.

All in all, the new book is doing quite nicely for a pipsqueak writer. I can't wait for the book to get off of Kindle Unlimited or Kindle Select or ???? I'm getting a new cover which I like much better when I expand the vendors and publish the paperback.

But, my writing is progressing best of all. I'm almost finished with the first edits of "The Battle to Save Magic", the prequel to The Pig Wars. Why the book first? My editor wanted a prequel to explain the backstory, and it ended fifty pages long. It's now a little over sixty. It's been suggested I add another forty words to turn it into a "book". Yeah, I'll admit it. I kind of do things backward.

When I moved, I discovered the first edits of "Dark Solstice", the book I started writing when I switched to writing fantasy. It first opened with Marian standing on a cliff over the ocean with her hair streaming behind her. Vengeance, the name the resulting book's prequel was given, was first publish by Wolfsinger Press. "Dark Solstice" is set four hundred years in the future of The Pig Wars. Readers of The Pig Wars might like to know that Renna and Mariah are still friends. Just download Vengeance to learn more.

PS: Wolfsinger Press has some entertaining reads.


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